
Everything I like, I actually really love

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wow! It's been a while since I've blogged anything. I need to actually stick to my word and blog! 

Anyways, I found this picture and I could not stop laughing! Is anyone else as dramatic as me, when it comes to REALLY liking something? I mean, I use the words "I die" about a million (<--see I'm already exaggerating & being dramatic) times a day! I think this could be something that springs from individuality. As one gets older he/she have the ability (by ability I mean, inhibition) to fully voice what he/she like(s), love, have interest in. It's always nice to look back and think about how much my interests have changed over the years, and how I rarely am influenced or feel compelled to like something my best friend does. It's weird to see yourself grow in these little tiny ways. Le life! 

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